The laptop does not see the asus router. The laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network and does not connect to Wi-Fi. The problem is the incorrect operation of the driver or its absence

A fairly common problem, especially common after some changes: reinstalling the operating system, replacing the router, updating firmware, etc. Sometimes, finding the cause is not easy enough, even for an experienced master.

In this short article, I would like to dwell on a couple of cases due to which, most often, the laptop does not connect via Wi-Fi. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them and try to restore the network on your own before turning to outside help. By the way, if it says “without access to the Internet” (and the yellow sign is on) - then you better look.

1. Reason #1 - Wrong/Missing Driver

A very common reason why a laptop does not connect via Wi-Fi. Most often, the following picture appears before you (if you look in the lower right corner):

No connections available. The network is crossed out with a red cross.

After all, as it happens: the user downloaded a new Windows OS, burned it to disk, copied all his important data, reinstalled the OS, and installed the drivers that used to be ...

The fact is that drivers that worked in Windows XP may not work in Windows 7, those that worked in Windows 7 may refuse to work in Windows 8.

Therefore, if you are updating the OS, and indeed, if Wi-Fi does not work, first of all check whether you have the drivers, whether they were downloaded from the official site. Anyway, I recommend reinstalling them and watching the reaction of the laptop.

How to check if there is a driver in the system?

Very simple. Go to "my computer", then right-click anywhere in the window and select "properties" in the pop-up window. Further, on the left, there will be a link "Device Manager". By the way, you can also open it from the control panel, through the built-in search.

Here we are most interested in the tab with network adapters. Look carefully if you have a wireless network adapter, as in the picture below (of course, you will have your own adapter model).

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there should not be any exclamation marks or red crosses - which indicates problems with the driver, that it may not work correctly. If everything is fine - it should be displayed as in the picture above.

Where is the best place to get a driver?

It is best to download it from the official website of the manufacturer. Also, usually, instead of with a laptop, native drivers come, you can use them.

Even if you have native drivers installed and the Wi-Fi network does not work, I recommend trying to reinstall them by downloading them from the official website of the laptop manufacturer.

Important notes when choosing a laptop driver

1) In their name, most likely (99.8%), there should be the word " wireless«.
2) Correctly determine the type of network adapter, there are several of them: Broadcom, Intel, Atheros. Usually, on the manufacturer's website, even in a specific laptop model, there may be several versions of drivers. To know exactly which one you need, use the utility.

The utility perfectly determined what equipment is installed in the laptop. You don't need to install any settings, just run it.

H several sites of popular manufacturers:




One more thing! The driver can be found and installed automatically. This is described in the article. I recommend to take a look.

2. Reason #2 - Is Wi-Fi turned on?

Very often you have to watch how the user tries to look for the causes of breakdowns where there are none ...

Most laptop models have an LED indicator on the case that signals Wi-Fi operation. So, it must be on fire. To turn it on, there are special functional buttons, the purpose of which is indicated in the product passport.

For example, on Acer laptops, Wi-Fi is enabled by pressing the Fn + F3 buttons.

You can do it differently.

Go to "control Panel" your Windows OS, then the "network and internet" tab, then " network and sharing center", and finally -" Change adapter settings«.

Here we are interested in the wireless connection icon. It should not be gray and colorless, as in the picture below. If the wireless network icon is colorless, then right-click on it and click " enable".

You will immediately notice that even if it does not join the Internet, it will become colored (see below). This signals that the laptop adapter has worked and it can connect via Wi-Fi.

3. Reason #3 - Incorrect Settings

It often happens that the laptop cannot connect to the network due to a changed password or router settings. This can happen through no fault of the user. For example, the router settings may be lost when the power is turned off during its intensive work.

1) Checking settings in Windows

First, pay attention to the tray icon. If there is no red cross on it, then there are available connections and you can try to join them.

We click on the icon and a window should appear in front of us with all the Wi-Fi networks that the laptop has found. Select your network and click Connect. We will be asked to enter a password, if it is correct, then the laptop should connect via Wi-Fi.

2) Checking the router settings

If it is impossible to connect to the Wi-Fi network, and Windows reports an incorrect password, go to the router settings and change the default settings.

In order to enter the settings of the router, go to "" (No quotes). Usually, this address is used by default. The default password and login, most often, " admin" (in small letters without quotes).

Next, change the settings in accordance with your provider settings and router model (if they go wrong). In this part, it is difficult to give some advice, a more extensive article on creating a local Wi-Fi network at home.

Important! It happens that the router does not connect to the Internet automatically. Go to its settings and check if it is trying to connect, and if not, try connecting to the network manually. This error often happens on TrendNet brand routers (at least it used to be on some models, which I personally encountered).

4. If all else fails...

If you've tried everything and nothing helps...

I will give two tips that help me personally.

1) From time to time, for reasons unknown to me, the Wi-Fi network is turned off. The symptoms are different every time: sometimes it says there is no connection, sometimes the tray icon lights up as it should, but there is still no network ...

A 2-step recipe helps to quickly restore a Wi-Fi network:

1. I disconnect the power supply of the router from the network for 10-15 seconds. Then I turn it on again.

2. I restart the computer.

After that, oddly enough, the Wi-Fi network, and with it the Internet, work as expected. Why and because of what this is happening - I don’t know, I don’t want to dig either, somehow. this happens quite rarely. If you know why, please share in the comments.

2) It was once that it was not at all clear how to turn on Wi-Fi - the laptop does not respond to the function keys (Fn + F3) - the LED is off, and the tray icon says that “there are no connections available” (moreover, it does not find Not one). What to do?

I tried a bunch of ways, I already wanted to reinstall the system with all the drivers. But I tried to diagnose the wireless adapter. And what would you think - he diagnosed the problem and recommended to fix it "reset settings and turn on the network", which I agreed with. After a few seconds, the network started working ... I recommend trying it.

That's all. Happy settings...

A fairly large number of users of Wi-Fi networks face a similar problem. This is not surprising, because now almost everyone in a house or apartment has a Wi-Fi router that allows you to wirelessly connect various gadgets to the Internet, be it laptops, smartphones or TVs.

It is worth noting that the problem when a certain network is not visible in the list of available Wi-Fi networks can be encountered not only on a laptop, but also on any other device with the ability to wirelessly connect to the Internet.

Reasons for the absence of the desired Wi-Fi network in the selection list

Let us immediately indicate that everything written below applies only to cases where at least one Wi-Fi network is visible. If the laptop does not see any Wi-Fi networks at all, then you.

So the main reasons are:

  1. Long distance between router and laptop;
  2. Incorrectly set.

With the first reason, everything should be clear. To check it, just get as close to your router as possible and see if the network you need is visible on the device.

As for the second reason (the most likely), you need to check it. To do this, you need to have a device already connected to your router via Wi-Fi or by wire.

How to enter the settings of the router, we wrote in detail in.

After you have entered the router settings, you need to go to the section related to Wi-Fi settings. Depending on the model of the router, it may look like this.

Location options for the setting responsible for changing the Wi-Fi channel on Tp-Link routers

Channel or Channel is what you need. The value of this option is often Auto or 12 (13).

The fact is that channels 12 and 13 are border channels, with which many Wi-Fi modules installed in smartphones and laptops simply cannot work. You need to set any value from 1 to 11 in the “Channel” option. After that, save the changes made and reboot the router.


Most often, a laptop or smartphone does not see some Wi-Fi networks, due to the installation of a border broadcasting channel on the router. These channels are 12 and 13. To fix this situation, just go to the router settings, change the channels to any of the range 1-11, save the settings and restart the router.

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without the Internet, and even wireless. But it happens that the laptop does not see the wifi network, why this happens and what to do then, let's figure it out in detail!

Why the laptop does not see the wifi network: possible problems and their solutions

Let's go from the most likely to the most difficult - by elimination. Let's get started.

The most common

So why does the laptop not see the wifi network - this can happen due to the fact that there is no wireless Internet in principle!

  1. We will make sure that there is wireless Internet in the coverage area, for this using other devices: a tablet, smartphone, laptop or PC, we will check if they see wifi on the laptop. If yes, we follow further, if not, then he does not see wifi,.
    We found out that there is an Internet, but the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network, why - it means that something is wrong with our device, as a rule, and here there are extremely banal solutions.
  2. See if the adapter is turned on, as a rule, it is highlighted on the keyboard with an indicator:
  • off - looks like the screenshot below.
  • turn on the keys, according to the device layout, + from to .
  • after that, the search for networks should begin with a notification in the tray and a yellow star near the antenna, see the screenshot.
  • if everything works and the laptop sees the Wi-Fi network - enjoy surfing, otherwise continue
  • let's try to run troubleshooting - right click on the antenna → "Problem Diagnosis"

  • the procedure helps in most cases, otherwise we are looking for another reason why the laptop does not see wifi.

The driver is an important component!

We urge you not to forget that the driver is the link between the hardware and the OS. Without this talented negotiator, everything works rather crookedly or does not work at all - this may be the answer to the question - why the computer does not see the Wi-Fi network. Whether laptop or desktop, external or internal adapter connection, the solution is the same.

  • In the taskbar, you can see another icon - a crossed-out monitor, see the screenshot.

    If Windows 7 or 8, follow:
  • "Start" → right click "Computer" → "Properties"

  • " Device Manager"

  • Expanding "Network adapters"→ we are looking for "Intel(R) Centrino" , "Atheros ..." are also possible, etc.

    It should be like on the screenshot, with the absence of any marks
  • if there are red or yellow symbols, right-click and select "Engage" You will most likely need to update your drivers.

If Windows version 10, follow:

We see - the drivers are not installed:

  • go to the manufacturer and download the appropriate drivers.
  • install → restart systems
  • check if it works - we will complete it, otherwise we are looking for other reasons.

We adapt - adaptation!

There is such a word adapter - this is the main opportunist, in the name of the appearance of the internet, and if it is disabled, nothing will be visible!

Let's check if it's enabled:

Sees everything, but not what you need!

Why does the computer not see my Wi-Fi network, but catches everyone else - and this happens. Here it is already necessary to deal with the settings of the router. Let's look at it visually on Asus models, and write commands for the rest. First, connect to another available Internet - for example, you can distribute it from your phone.

Now, for TP-Link equipment:

What's in a name…?

Involuntarily, the words of the classic A.S. Pushkin. Do not think that this is a joke, sometimes there is an SSID conflict, your computer does not see Wi-Fi, but everyone else finds it. And do not believe it, it turns out that his change and Voila are enough!

We change using the example of an Asus router with screenshots.

This article will discuss what to do if Window 7 does not connect to a WiFi network and. The fact is that although this operating system is more stable than its predecessors, there may still be various errors that need to be corrected manually.

Before moving on to connection problems and their solution, you need to understand what WiFi is and how the technology works. This will allow you to quickly fix some problems.

The fact is that to connect to such a network, you need an access point. Its functions are usually performed by a wireless router. And therefore, first of all, if there are no available connections to the WiFi network in Windows 7, you should pay attention to the router.

As a rule, the reason is precisely in it. But of course, there are other problems as well. So, let's go in order.

Checking the Router

Everything is very simple here. If the laptop does not see available connections, then you should go to the WiFi settings menu of the router and check if the wireless network is enabled. To do this, you need to connect to the router using a regular Internet cable. After that, open a browser (any) and write in the address bar. Press "Enter". Next, a window will appear in which you will be prompted to enter a password and login. As a rule, the default key and login are admin, admin, respectively.

How to easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

If you have changed these data, then enter your values. Next, we get to the settings menu. We are interested in Network SettingsWireless Network (NetworkWireless). In the wireless network settings, you need to check the box next to the item “Enable wireless network” (Enable Wireless Router Radio). Everything, this completes the router setup. And if Windows 7 problems with WiFi still remain in the laptop, then you should proceed to setting up the operating system.

Why does the computer not see available wireless networks

There are many reasons for this, as well as solutions. Fortunately, Windows 7 is easy to use and has many options for diagnosing and fixing various problems. But we will consider only the most common ones.

The first step is to check the status of your WiFi connection. To do this, you need to open the Network Sharing Center. To do this, click on the network icon in the tray and select "Network and Sharing Center" in the window that appears.

A menu will open in which all settings related to the network are made. Here we are interested in the item "Change adapter settings". In the window that opens, you need to find a shortcut that has the name "Wireless Network Connection". If this connection is greyed out, it means that it is disabled. To enable it, right-click on it and select "Enable".

Windows 7 won't connect to Wi-Fi: Video

Wireless network icon not showing in tray

Often users ask the question, what to do if the WiFi icon is not displayed in the tray in Windows 7? This can only mean one thing - the wireless module is turned off or not working. Wi-Fi activation occurs, as a rule, using the Fn key combination + adapter power button. On different laptops, this button may be located in different places.

For example, on Asus laptops, this is a combination of Fn + F2, on Lenovo - Fn + F5. The WiFi power button itself is indicated by the corresponding image. In addition, on some models, a separate key is provided to activate the wireless connection module. In that case, just click it.

So, after turning on the wireless adapter, Windows 7 should automatically start searching for available networks. If this did not happen, and the tray icon did not appear, then you should check the correct operation of the drivers.

What to do if a laptop with Windows 7 does not see Wi-Fi: Video

Checking Drivers

You can check the software in Windows 7 in the task manager.

You can launch it by clicking on the "My Computer" shortcut, which can be found on the desktop, in the start menu or in Windows Explorer, with the right mouse button. In the window that appears, click "Properties". Next, a menu will open in which you need to open the "Device Manager".

In the window that appears, we are interested in network adapters. If you did not find this, then there are no drivers for the device and you need to install a driver for this module. If, however, such an item exists, then open it. Typically, a wireless adapter is called a Wireless Network Adapter. Also, the device may be indicated by an exclamation point. This indicates that the driver is not working properly and needs to be updated or reinstalled.

It is very easy to do this. As a rule, a laptop comes with a special disk that contains all the necessary programs and drivers. If there is no such disk, do not rush to get upset. The necessary software can always be downloaded from the Internet, as manufacturers have taken care of supporting their customers.

To do this, find the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop and write the exact name of the laptop (exact model) in the search. Next, you can download drivers for Wi-Fi and install them. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to install software downloaded from third-party sources, as such drivers can be unstable, and sometimes even pose a threat to the integrity of the system.

How to reinstall WiFi driver: Video

It is also important to know that sometimes, even with the driver installed, the adapter cannot be turned on, as additional keyboard functions are used for this. This means that along with the software for the network adapter, you should also download the driver for the keyboard, as well as the recommended utility for managing the wireless module.


The computer does not see the router. Why is Wi-Fi not visible

Many users sooner or later face this problem. The reasons why Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop may be different. Perhaps you recently installed a new operating system, bought a new router, or upgraded an old one and so on.

In general, if you also found yourself in such a situation, and you Can't connect laptop to wifi, then in this article we will look at several ways that should help you connect your laptop to Wi-Fi.

Let's start with the simplest - reboot the router. To do this, unplug the power supply from the outlet, wait 10 seconds and plug it back in. Then reboot your operating system.

Do network diagnostics. Although many will be rather skeptical about this advice, sometimes it can also help. Right-click on the wireless network icon in the tray and select "Problem Diagnosis". Windows will check, and if it finds a problem, it will suggest ways to solve it.

If after that, the laptop still does not see Wi-Fi, check Is the Wi-Fi enabled on the laptop?.

Find the wireless network icon on one of the F1-F12 buttons, I have it F2. Also on the button itself, near the power button or touchpad, there should be a light indicator that indicates that Wi-Fi is on. Specifically, in my case, if Wi-Fi is disabled, the indicator light is on. To turn it on, press the combination Fn + F2.

You also need to check that the network card is enabled. To do this, right-click on the wireless network icon in the tray and select "Network and Sharing Center".

In the next window, click "Change adapter settings".

If you have "Wireless Network Connection" grayed out, right-click on it and select "Enable".

After that, the icon should become colored. This indicates that the network adapter is enabled and the laptop can connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Check network adapter drivers. Click "Start" and write in the search bar "Device Manager" and follow the link you found.

There are several main reasons why a computer can be isolated from the rest of the network. Usually the problem lies in the wrong settings of the firewall and similar programs.


Open the Start menu and navigate to Run. Type cmd in the field that opens and press the Enter key. Type the command ipconfig / all in the menu that appears and write down the MAC address of the desired network card. Enter its value in the above table.

Clear the menu items "Route Table" or Route Table that are associated with this a computer ohm. Make sure NAT is enabled for this PC. Save your router settings.

Now check your settings a computer a. First, be sure to disable third-party programs that control network traffic. This may be the Outpost Firewall utility or its equivalents. Now turn off the Windows Firewall service. As practice shows, it is very difficult to set it up on your own, and the effect of its work is too small.

Open the start menu and go to the control panel. Find and open the "Administration" item, which is located in the "System and Security" menu. Open the "Services" item. Locate the Windows Firewall service, right-click on it and select Stop. Now open its properties and set the "Startup type" field to "Disabled".

Check the settings of the network adapter. Make sure that the specified IP address is in the allowed zone. Try changing its value to the address of one of the network a computer ov, after turning off the second PC. Reload a computer and try to access network resources again.

The list of reasons for a computer / laptop to freeze is quite large: a failure of the system files of the operating system, an overload of system resources, a bad sector on the hard drive, overheating of internal parts, exposure to viruses, and others. If the laptop freezes, it needs to be restarted.

You will need

  • - administrator rights.


Laptops, unlike desktop computers, do not have a Reset button on the case. Therefore, when the system freezes, the user is left with one option: turn off the device completely. To do this, press the power button and hold it down until the laptop turns off (usually no more than 30 seconds). As a rule, the button is kept pressed all this time. Users often don't wait for the shutdown time and think that their laptop won't turn off.

If the shutdown occurred due to severe overheating (this is felt by abnormally hot air near the laptop vents on its own. Such actions will void your device warranty if the warranty period has not yet expired. Contact the specialists at the service center, and you will definitely be helped to solve this problem , however have to pay.

What to do if WiFi does not work on a laptop: Video

An article about why. that the computer, laptop does not see the Internet entry point through the router. Ways to fix the problem.


There are times when when connecting a computer, laptop through router, to an Internet access point, the entrance remains unavailable. In this case, you should find out the reasons why router does not see the entrance to the World Wide Web.

Lack of internet can lead to big problems at work

The reasons may be different. For example, the router works, but there are no access points to the Network on a computer device.
Reasons for the above situation:

  • work programs not installed.
  • error of technical equipment (hardware).
  • no internet connection included.
  • failure of the WiFi module and many other problems.

We will consider the most common network access problems and their elimination. Let us give an example of solving problems for router companies Tp Link.

Solutions to the problem in the absence of installation of the driver program

So your PC, notebook does not see WiFi entry points. Explore the software that controls the computer. If the program does not work correctly, the access entry module does not work correctly.
WiFi input module test:

  • enter the panel "Device Manager".

Device Manager Panel

  • activate the tab "My computer".
  • choose an option "Properties".
  • open section "Device Manager" (see arrow), we find the point "Network hardware", let's look at it.

Open the "Device Manager" section (see the arrow), find the item "Network Equipment"

  • find the line of network connecting devices. If the line is missing, it means that the Internet connection software is not configured.
  • if there is a line of connecting devices, but there is no access to the Internet, you should check if any of the devices has an exclamation icon indicating the absence of software.

Open the network adapters option. Check which network has an exclamation mark indicating that the network is not connected

  • The solution to the above problem lies in reinstalling the software. The working program can be downloaded from the official website - the developer for computer. For laptop, the kit includes a special disk with a working program, which, also, should be downloaded to the laptop.

Note: entry point to Net on the panel Device Manager called "Wireless Network Adapter"(Wireless Network Adapter).

Solving the problem in the absence of an included Internet connection

Let's check if there is a wireless connection. How to do this, see below:
Option number 1

  • right-click on the Internet icon.
  • find option "Network Control Center".

To check the connection of a wireless connection, we enter the option "Network Control Center"

Option number 2

  • press a combination of computer buttons, Win+R.
    on the panel that appears, write the phrase "control panel" (control panel).

We enter the phrase "control panel" (control panel)

  • press the key "OK".
  • launching the control panel.
  • choose an option "Net".
  • activate the option Network and Shared Login Center.

Activate the "Network and Shared Login Center" option

  • open section

Open the section "Change adapter settings"

  • look at the list of connections to the computer
  • mark the option "Wireless network or connection".

Check the option "Wireless network or connection"

  • if the label is gray, there is no wireless connection.
  • press the key "Turn on", internet connection is on.

We mark the option "Wireless network or connection", press the "Enable" key, the Internet connection is connected

Solving the problem with accessing the Internet using diagnostics

  • activate the option "Network Control Center"
  • find and open section "Change adapter settings".

On the panel that opens, activate the "Change adapter settings" section.

  • find the string "Wireless Connection", activate.
  • choose the mode "Diagnostics".

Activate the "Wireless connection" option (see arrow), select the "Diagnostics" mode

  • We are waiting for the computer device itself to fix the breakdowns.
  • We accept a message about the correction of problems or a hint about further actions.

Solving the problem of hardware error

A hardware error or error is a problem with the component parts for assembling a computer device (video card, processor device, and so on).

Errors occur when the device is under heavy load, when the air temperature is high, the settings are incorrect, the fan of the radiator device breaks, and so on. As a result, the computer just breaks, hence it follows that wifi hotspot missing.

The solution of the problem:

  • if the computer does not work due to overheating of the system, the broken part should be replaced. Repairs can be done at a service center.
  • if the computer, laptop does not work due to the disconnected antenna, check if the antenna is connected to the adapter, if the connection terminals are not clogged with dust or dirt.
  • if the above actions did not lead to the desired result, the devices do not see the access point to the Network, contact the technical support center to a specialist.

After reviewing general questions about the access point WiFi, we will tell you why the wireless network may not work on routers firms Tp Link.
Example, tp-link router connected, in working mode, the Internet does not pass.
The problem is solved in the following way:

  • check the inclusion WiFi on a computer device
    check if you can see other networks.
  • when buying a new router, the network will have a standard name. Turn off the router, noting which network will be lost.
  • restart your router.
  • access to Net will recover.
  • if the problem persists, check the connection of the router to the electric current network and turn on the key ON/OFF on the device (option No. 1).

Check the connection of the router to the electric current network and turn on the ON / OFF key on the device

  • check that the wireless network is enabled on router, with a key built into the case (see figure, option No. 2).

Check the inclusion of the wireless network on the router, with a key built into the case

  • access to Net will recover.

In the event that the above actions do not lead to a positive result, you will need to check the settings.

  • enter settings router.
  • type the login address in the browser bar (0.1).

Go to the specified login address (0.1)

  • enter a username and password (the default username is admin or a new username).
  • on the settings panel, enter the mode Wireless ("Wireless mode").
  • set the icons on the lines "Turn on the wireless broadcast of the router" (Wireless Router Radio) and "Enable SSID Broadcast".

Set the icons on the lines "Enable Wireless Router Radio" (Wireless Router Radio) and "Enable SSID Broadcast"

  • restart your device.
  • activate key "Save".
  • signal transmission WiFi networks through Tp-Link router, will be in action.

We examined the main problems and their solutions, in which access to Net through router on a computer, laptop.

We hope you find the information useful! Good luck on the Internet!

We have already considered solutions to many problems that may arise when connecting a laptop to a Wi-Fi network, or in the process of using it. But, there is one popular problem that I have not written about yet. This is when the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. In principle, the problem applies not only to laptops, but also to stationary computers that are connected to Wi-Fi via an adapter (external or internal). The problem when the laptop does not see Wi-Fi can be encountered in Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and even in Windows 10. If you have Windows 10 installed and the computer does not see your router, then see the separate instructions:. Since the solutions there are practically the same, it does not matter which system your laptop is running on. Now we will try to figure out why the laptop does not see wireless networks, using Windows 7 as an example.

Before moving on to some settings, let's try to figure out what problem you have specifically. There are two options:

  • When no Wi-Fi network is displayed in the list of networks available for connection. That is, the computer does not find Wi-Fi at all. But, are you sure that there are wireless networks in the radius. Other devices see them.
  • And when the laptop does not see only your Wi-Fi network, but sees others, neighboring networks.

I will divide this article into two parts. You can immediately jump to the required section with the solution to your problem.

Another important point. If you have an error on your computer "No connections available", and a red cross next to the Wi-Fi connection icon, then there is a separate one to solve this error.

Why does the laptop not see wireless networks (none)?

The most popular reasons:

  • There are no networks available in the radius (we have already ruled it out)
  • The wireless adapter driver is not installed and therefore cannot find wireless networks. Or the driver is installed but not working properly.
  • Wi-Fi on the laptop is simply turned off.
  • It happens that the Wi-Fi receiver is simply faulty, or disabled (for example, while cleaning a laptop from dust).

But, most often, of course, the problem is in the switched off wireless adapter, or in the absence of the necessary driver. This is what we will consider now.

Checking the wireless adapter driver

If you see a connection icon in the form of a computer with a red cross on your notification panel, then the driver is most likely not installed.

To check, we need to go to the device manager. Open the menu Start, right click on A computer, and select Control. In the new window, go to the tab Device Manager. Open section Network adapters, and see if there is an adapter there that has the words "Wi-Fi" or "Wireless" in its name. It looks something like this:

If there is no such adapter there, as a rule, in this case only one adapter (network card) is displayed, then it needs to be installed. If it is there, then it should be without any icons, as I have in the screenshot above. If there is an icon next to the Wi-Fi adapter, then right-click on it and select Engage. You will most likely need to install the required driver. We have separate installation instructions: .

If everything is in order with the driver, then let's check if Wi-Fi is enabled on your computer.

Right-click on the network connection icon, and select Network and Sharing Center. Then, select Change adapter settings.

After that, the computer should see the wireless networks, and you should be able to connect to your Wi-Fi network without any problems.

You may have turned off wireless networks with a keyboard shortcut on your laptop. You need to check, I wrote more about this in the article:. And if you have "ten": .

After these steps, everything should work for you. The main thing is that the Wi-Fi network icon with a yellow star appears, which means that there are networks available for connection.

The laptop does not see my Wi-Fi, but it sees others. Solution.

If above we considered the situation when wireless networks are not displayed on the laptop at all, now we will figure out why the laptop does not see only one Wi-Fi network we need. And other networks, neighboring ones, are displayed in the list of available ones. This problem often appears on mobile devices: smartphones and tablets. But computers are no exception.

In this case, the problem already needs to be looked for on the side of the Wi-Fi router. Almost always, the solution is the same: changing the channel of the Wi-Fi network. If the router itself, or you manually set the static channel 13 in the settings, then the computer most likely will not see the network. Therefore, you need to check and change the channel in the router settings. How to change the channel on different routers, I wrote in the article:

For example, change the channel to Tp-Link. You can change it in the settings, on the Wireless tab (Wireless mode). Try to put a static channel (just don't put 12 and 13), or set to Auto.

If it does not help, then you can still change the name of the Wi-Fi network. You can also do this in the settings, on the tab with the wireless network settings.

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Natalya Komarova , 05/28/2009 (03/25/2018) When you read a forum or blog, you remember the authors of the posts by nickname and ... by the user's picture, the so-called avatar ....