What kind of profession is a computer operator, its demand in the market. Computer operator: job description. Computer operator - specialty Computer operator and vm what

Computer operator and his duties

A computer operator is a specialist who enters information into a computer, saves data and processes it. The vacancy itself is usually called "computer operator" (computer - electronic computer) or "PC operator" (PC - personal computer). These names describe the activities of the same specialist.

However, in order to work as a PC operator, it is not enough to be an experienced computer user. This position requires skills in the use of various operating systems, programs and databases. In addition, the specified specialist must know the basics of document management, accounting and personnel work.

Using the available knowledge, the PC operator enters information, controls the correctness of its display, compiles various tables, fills out logs, statements, etc. The specific job responsibilities of the computer operator are established by the employer in the job description, which each organization develops independently, taking into account the characteristics of its work and direction activities.

The structure of the job description of the PC operator

The legislation does not establish a unified form of job description for a computer equipment operator, however, when developing this document, employers usually try to use the structure generally accepted in personnel records management. This structure allows you to take into account all the main points that determine the labor activity of the PC operator.

Traditionally, the job description consists of the following sections:

Don't know your rights?

  1. General provisions. This part of the document establishes the basic requirements for a PC operator, such as:
    • education;
    • experience;
    • professional skills.

    In addition, this section lists the regulatory and local documents with which the specialist must be familiarized before starting work, determines the procedure for his acceptance, dismissal and replacement, indicates the place of the staff unit in the overall organizational and staff structure and the immediate supervisor of the employee.

  2. Duties and rights. This part of the job description is the main one, since with a careful approach in the process of developing a document, it allows you to take into account the entire scope of authority of a specialist.
  3. Responsibility. This section establishes a list of labor violations for which an employee may be punished, and may determine direct penalties. However, it must be remembered that labor legislation prohibits at the same time toughening the responsibility of an employee in comparison with the norms of the law. However, in many cases, the entire content of the section comes down to general phrases that an employee can be held liable in accordance with applicable law.

Basic requirements for a PC operator

As a rule, there are no high requirements for the education of a PC operator. In most cases, a general secondary or secondary specialized education with the ability to work with certain programs and databases is sufficient. True, at the same time, depending on the scope of the organization, a candidate for the position of a computer operator may be required to have any additional professional skills (for example, knowledge of a foreign language, basic accounting or personnel records management).

The requirements for the work experience of a specialist are determined by the employer based on specific circumstances. So, if it is supposed to perform simple work or work in a program specially developed at the enterprise, the applicant may not be required to have any work experience at all. If the work of a PC operator will be associated with any additional labor functions (formation of documents, data analysis, etc.), work experience from 1 to 3 years may be required.

Typical job duties and rights of a computer operator

Determining the terms of reference of a computer equipment operator, each employer proceeds from its own realities, however, there are a number of characteristics that are characteristic of almost any organization.

In most cases, the labor duties of a computer operator include:

  • technical preparation of documentation for the current work of the organization;
  • making copies of documents using copiers;
  • a set of text information in compliance with the rules of spelling and punctuation;
  • entering into various databases the information necessary for the work of the organization;
  • work with e-mail;
  • printing and organizing documentation;
  • monitoring the condition of the equipment used and timely informing the management about the need for its repair or replacement.

The labor rights of the computer operator are inextricably linked with his duties, since their purpose is to facilitate the employee's performance of his functions. The main job rights of this specialist include:

  • the right to receive work information related to the performance of job duties;
  • the right to interact with other services of the organization within the framework of the functions performed;
  • the right to a place of work that meets safety and legal requirements.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that a reasonably defined range of official rights and duties of a computer (PC) operator will allow an employee to carry out labor activities efficiently and productively, therefore, the section requires the most careful study, taking into account all the features of the enterprise. Particular attention should be paid to this section during development also because the employee has the right not to perform any other assignments, except for those defined by his job responsibilities in the employment contract and job description.

Computer literacy implies the presence of minimal knowledge of career guidance in IT specialties. Let's start with a specialty operator(electronic computers), although in job advertisements, the profession “ PC operator" (Personal Computer).

I’ll clarify right away that a computer operator is the name of the specialty in which students are trained, for example, in college, and a PC operator is the name of the profession in which they are hired. Basically, it's the same thing.

At first glance, this profession can be called simple because it requires the applicant to have good basic training as a PC user. If there was an objective four or five in computer science at school, then it is quite possible that this will be enough to find a job in the specialty "PC operator" where there are no special, increased requirements.

On the other hand, I think that this profession can be called difficult. The psychological portrait of a computer operator includes such qualities as increased attention, perseverance, patience, responsibility and the ability to achieve the final result in the form of correctly executed documents without annoying typos, a well-filled database without costly mistakes, etc. Creativity and creativity are generally not required and not always encouraged.

By the way, the responsibility of the PC operator can be not only moral, but also material, which creates a serious nervous burden. For liability, as a rule, they pay a little more than usual, but if any problems arise, they can withhold a certain amount from the salary.

For example, work in the specialty of a computer operator in a warehouse involves scrupulous entry of data on the movement of goods in a warehouse. Accordingly, if you make a mistake, for example, with a zero, i.e. instead of 10000 enter 1000, then the consequences can be very serious.

Sometimes modest, at first glance, the profession of a PC operator requires a good command of a foreign language (English, or German, or Finnish, etc.).

Therefore, good school training in computer science is not enough and a compulsory secondary specialized education is required, which can be obtained, for example, in a college or technical school.

For some time I taught at a college and was surprised that there you can get a good secondary vocational education, which, in my opinion, differs from higher vocational education in that college has more specifics and less theory. True, here much depends on the teaching staff and the availability of a well-equipped computer class with Internet access.

I remember that during the training there were breaks for those college teachers whose students, as part of study groups, went to practice, by the way, to real enterprises and factories. Subsequently, after receiving a diploma of secondary specialized education, some students then returned there for permanent work.

College students seemed to me to be more modest in their professional ambitions and have lower self-esteem than university students. Nevertheless, many college students plan to enter universities and often they are taken immediately to the 3rd year of the profile faculty of the institute.

I consider the specialty of a computer operator to be a good start, provided that there is an interest and a predisposition to work with a computer.

Computer's operator- a specialist in the input and processing of information using a computer. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Another name for the profession is a digital information processing master.

The information this employee works with can be in a variety of formats. And it can work with both text and audio, video and graphic editors, programs for viewing and playing, Internet information resources, etc. You can also enter information into a computer in different ways: type text on a computer, scan (t i.e. digitize) text or image, transfer ready-made materials from another medium (disk, flash drive, etc.).

The field of activity of the computer operator depends on the place of work. One of the work options is to enter data into the electronic database of goods in a trade organization. This is a very responsible duty, albeit a rather routine one.

More creative work for employees of publishing houses, editorial offices of print and Internet projects. There, duties can vary from simple typing, to processing audio and video files, creating slide shows, etc. for posting on the site.

The profession of a computer operator can be classified as a starting profession. Firstly, to master it, it is enough to get an initial vocational education. Secondly, a digital information processor is a PC user who owns several programs at a professional level, the basics of building information systems. This is a good base for further education in this area.


A computer operator can work in banks, insurance companies, trade and industrial firms, call centers, publishing houses, companies involved in the development and maintenance of websites, archives, etc., etc.

Important qualities

The profession of a computer operator implies such qualities as responsibility, diligence, perseverance, the ability to work concentratedly, and sociability.

Knowledge and skills

The operator must be able to work with office software packages (Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org), use the Internet, e-mail. Knowledge of graphic programs (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc.) may also be required. The ability to print quickly and competently (preferably blindly) is considered a great advantage. In addition, the operator must confidently handle the scanner, printer, and other peripherals. Understand the principles of building computer networks.

Computer operator and who is a computer operator. The computer operator is at a stage above the advanced PC user. Because this is already a profession that gives its owner proper computer skills. In other words, a personal computer is the main tool of a specialist's work. The computer operator is a master whose duties include working with information and data. The vacancy itself, as a rule, is called "computer operator" or "PC operator".

In contact with

Computer operator and his duties

In order to work as a computer master, it is not enough to be a skilled user of a personal computer. To work in this specialty, you must have experience with most operating systems and databases. In addition, the specialist must understand the basics of document management, accounting and personnel work.

Using the acquired skills, a computer specialist enters data, monitors the correctness of its display, compiles various tables, fills out journals, statements, etc.

Accurate responsibilities PC specialist are determined by the employer in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise. These requirements must be specified in the job description.

Basic requirements for a PC operator

There are usually no significant requirements for the education of a specialist. For employment in the vast majority of companies, general secondary or secondary specialized education is enough, but with experience work in some databases and programs, for example:

  • office programs (Microsoft Office);
  • graphic editors (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Paint).

Also, some enterprises may require knowledge of the English language or the basics of programming, the basics of system administration.

Job description of the computer operator

As mentioned earlier, duties are determined by the employer, but it is still possible to determine a list of requirements for an employee that are typical for most enterprises. Some large enterprises with high employee turnover have their own training courses. These courses can be both paid and free, and upon completion, the specialist receives a certain rank. As a rule, paid courses provide more valuable information and, accordingly, a higher level with which you can work with a higher salary.

workers responsibilities PC Specialist:

Some organizations (for example, the media) may need to work with graphic information.

The working rights of a computer specialist are directly related to his duties, since their purpose is to simplify the performance of his duties by an employee. to the chief officials rights This specialist can include:

  • the right to access work information related to the performance of official duties;
  • the right to contacts with other services of the organization within the framework of the functions performed;
  • the right to a workplace that meets all the requirements of safety and labor legislation.

These rights should also be spelled out in the instructions. The instruction simplifies the labor process.

Where do they teach

To obtain the profession of a PC operator, you must graduate from a vocational school and obtain the specialty “master in digital information processing”. You can also take computer operator courses. But you can also improve your level and qualifications by taking courses. It is recommended that you regularly attend advanced courses. With the increase discharge salary increases accordingly.

Demand for the profession of computer operator

Nowadays it is very difficult to find an enterprise that does not have computers and office equipment. Most of the production processes are automated and computerized. A qualified computer specialist can find a job in any field. If you have a lot of experience and a good education, finding a job will not take much time.

For example:

The profession of a computer operator: the pros and cons

The profession of a PC master is quite prestigious, with it you can get a job in most enterprises. And also this profession can become a starting point in the career of an IT specialist and designer.

Any profession has both pluses and minuses. The work of the computer master is no exception.

Irreparable harm is done to a person from long work at the computer. All human organs suffer. Sits down from bad monitors vision. The cardiovascular system, spine and pelvic bones suffer from constant being in a fixed position. To reduce the harmful effects of the computer, you need to get up and stretch regularly, as well as do eye exercises.

Profession computer operator: salary

The income of computer professionals varies greatly. It can be both extremely low and quite worthy. This largely depends on the experience and skills of specialists, but, of course, partly depends on the organization. This profession has ranks. The higher the category of a computer operator, the correspondingly higher the salary.

Previously, the profession of an operator of electronic computers was included in the "Qualification Handbook of Professions of Workers Who Have Monthly Salaries". This document outlined the qualification requirements for this profession. As of 2017, the computer operator is included in the "Qualification Handbook of Occupations of Workers Not Included in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Occupations of Workers who are Set Monthly Salaries."

Having received the profession of a computer master, a person will always be in demand in the global labor market.

Computer's operator

Although the profession of a computer operator continues to bear such a name, more often these specialists are called PC operators, because the time of electronic computers has long gone, replaced by the era of personal computers. PC operators are engaged in entering various data into the computer: textual information, digital, graphic. They make tables, databases, group and analyze information. The specific duties of a PC operator depend on what requirements are placed on him in the organization where he works.

The history of the emergence of the profession Computer operator How did the profession originate? How did the profession develop?

This profession directly depends on the mechanisms that a person controls. Therefore, the emergence of this profession happened quite recently: at the time when computers were invented to carry out the most complex calculations. These machines were very complex, bulky, so they needed to be serviced. Today, compact and mobile personal computers have appeared, on which PC operators also work.

Significance for society The importance, meaning and social status of the profession

This profession is taken lightly by many, like a typist, secretary or just a typist. It would seem that anyone can handle it. Why get a job like this? But the fact is that a professional PC operator can bring more benefits than any other manager. After all, he thoroughly knows all office programs, understands the internal structure of a computer and can fix it in case of simple breakdowns. The PC operator will help the manager to make a presentation of the report or submit a report in electronic form.

Features of the profession Computer operator The uniqueness and prospects of the profession

A PC operator has to work not only with a computer, but also with other office equipment - a printer, fax, scanner, which means that you need to be able to eliminate minor breakdowns and configure these devices for optimal operation. The ability to type quickly and accurately is not enough. A specialist in this profession must know where to find the necessary information in the global and local networks, be able to work with office and accounting programs, build tables and complex graphs, and create databases.

"Pitfalls" of the profession Computer operator All for and against the profession. Difficulties and features.

The disadvantages of the profession of a PC operator include the fact that a working day spent at a computer will not have a good effect on health: vision deteriorates, osteochondrosis may appear, and spinal curvature. In addition, this work requires constant concentration, attentiveness, good performance even with monotonous work.

Where and how to get a profession Computer Operator Where are the professions taught?

This specialty can be obtained by graduating from the relevant school. There are also various courses that provide basic knowledge of information technology.

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