Who is calling scammers. False corporate rate. Time to pay the bills

With the development of cellular communications, telephone scammers have also become more active. Ways of deception are growing like mushrooms after a warm rain. Sometimes criminals are so persuasive that even the most cautious people who have heard of phone scams fall for their tricks. In order to protect yourself from huge expenses, let's once again recall the most popular methods of deception.

call back!

Phone scammers using this method act in different ways.

They either dial your number and after 1-2 rings they drop it, or they say in a hoarse voice: “Hi! How de ... "- and interrupt the phrase in mid-sentence. More often than not, we call back on the broken number. In the first case, because it's interesting. In the second, because we are sure that we did not recognize a cold acquaintance. The finale of such a “chime call” is clear: there is no money left on the phone. By the way, sometimes phone scammers do not call, but send a message asking you to call back or asking: “How are you?”

A call center agent is talking to you

In this case, telephone scammers present themselves as the Beeline operator, housing and communal services, the Ministry, or whatever. In a mechanical voice, they recite phrases about new, very profitable services and offer to connect them without leaving home. The result is the same - goodbye, money!

Reduced rate

Especially effective in cities with a large number of emigrants. They are offered to call home at a reduced rate. Needless to say, people are happy to use "benefits", the operator does not receive money, and the owner of the phone "gets" a large sum.

You have won a prize

These phone scammers may pose as radio or television DJs. They happily announce (in a conversation or via SMS) that you have won a car (TV, phone, ticket). You only need to call the specified number or send SMS. All. No money left.

Your payroll card is blocked

I almost fell for this trick myself. On the day of receiving the money (!) I received a message: "The bank informs that your card has been blocked for technical reasons. To change the pin code, call the number or follow the link." The fact that the number of another region, I noticed at the last second. Naturally, a call to the bank confirmed that nothing was blocked for me.

Your son is in trouble

A very old but still valid scam. They say on the phone that your relative is in trouble, and only a large amount that needs to be brought to the address can help him ... And after all, they take the money!

We take care of ourselves

You can still list the ways for phone owners for a long time. But it is better to list the basic rules of conduct that will help save considerable amounts.

  1. Never call back or send SMS to unknown numbers, even if they are not four digits.
  2. If you can't wait to call back, first "hammer" the number in any search engine. There you can find more than one list of phone scammers, they are published quite often.
  3. Don't be greedy. Remember that even in a mousetrap there is no free cheese, the mouse pays for it with his life.
  4. When you receive a message about a relative in trouble, first call him back, and you will be convinced that you have communicated with crooks.
  5. But if you are still deceived by telephone scammers, where to turn? To the nearest police station. They simply have to accept your application and conduct an investigation.

The latest achievements of scientific and technological progress are designed to qualitatively change a person's life for the better. And so it happens, but the same innovations are actively used by dishonest people for illegal enrichment at the expense of other citizens. One such type of crime is telephone fraud. His cases are becoming more frequent, and schemes for extorting money are becoming more sophisticated. What do you need to know to avoid being scammed?

Aware means armed

Despite the variety of communication fraud schemes, they can be grouped into thematic groups:

  • Request for help. A close person who is in an unpleasant situation is calling, or someone on his behalf. Usually, in the first case, it is hard to hear and it is very difficult to accurately determine the caller. In the second, the caller can introduce himself as anyone, up to a law enforcement officer. He proposes to solve the situation with the help of money, which must be transferred in any possible way. Most often - by courier, transfer to a bank or mobile account. In fact, nothing happened to anyone, and phone scammers will appropriate the money. Fraud can also be committed with a short SMS.
  • We need to call back. In this case, fraudsters, under any pretext, try to force the subscriber to dial the number specified in the SMS message. There are many pretexts: from the appeal of a familiar person, up to problems with a loan. In fact, the number turns out to be paid, and the money is withdrawn from the caller's account in accordance with the extortionate rate.
  • "Secret code. In the incoming SMS-message or during a conversation, a code is indicated that must be entered on your mobile phone. The motivating reasons are varied. Among the most common are problems with a plastic card or with a phone number. The result of dialing these numbers will be the zeroing of the subscriber account.
  • Virus programs. They will not end up in the memory of the gadget by chance, the victims of phone scammers themselves provide them with such an opportunity. By clicking on a link that came from an unknown number, a malicious file is automatically downloaded. It allows third parties to perform certain actions with the phone without the knowledge of its owner, for example, withdraw funds from the account or block the connection. To restore it, the criminals will require money to be transferred to them.

By carefully looking at fraudulent schemes, you can determine their main features:

  • the number from which they call or send SMS messages is unfamiliar;
  • the reason for the call is extraordinary, and the specified problem requires an immediate solution;
  • to get rid of the problem, you need to transfer money or perform some action.

Important! The presence of these signs is a reason to be wary and not take rash actions!

Liability for telephone fraud

Since criminal manipulations using means of communication directly damage the interests and well-being of citizens, they fall under the close attention of law enforcement agencies. Practice shows that the initiation of a criminal case on the fact of telephone fraud is not so simple.

If the conversation or message does not contain encouraging recommendations for a specific action and they do not indicate the amount of money to be transferred, then the owner of the phone makes the decision himself and is responsible for it. In this case, there is no crime.

When the caller nevertheless reports instructions for the transfer of funds and their specific amount, but the owner of the phone does not take any action and does not incur damage, then the crime is considered incomplete. The actions of criminals then qualify as preparation or attempted crime. Punishment here will follow only with a large amount of possible damage and proven conspiracy of several persons.

The worst case scenario is a completed crime. This means that the victim has already parted with the money. Then the provisions of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation apply to telephone fraud. The punishment directly depends on the damage caused, which must exceed 1,000 rubles. Otherwise, the case will be considered in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses. It has an article 7.27, which provides for liability for petty theft with minor punishment.

Important! The fact of misappropriation of other people's funds will be recognized as a criminal offense if the money has already been transferred to scammers, and the amount of damage amounted to more than 1 thousand rubles.

Phone scammers, who to contact?

A victim of the actions of dishonest persons can report fraud to the nearest police department or complain and file an application on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. There is also information that special department “K” under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is engaged in such crimes. Its employees strongly advise citizens to be careful themselves and not fall for the tricks of scammers, because it is better to stop such crimes at the very beginning. Then it will be much more difficult to prove the fact of fraud and return the lost money.

When phone scammers call, the first thing to do is:

  • do not make quick decisions, because the first goal of criminals is to confuse the victim and force them to commit rash actions;
  • check the information received by calling back a loved one, bank employees or mobile operators, depending on the situation.
  • in no case do not provide criminals with personal information, bank card data or express payment cards;
  • do not call back on unknown numbers and do not enter the proposed code on the phone.

Important! In the case of fraud by means of communication, only the attentiveness and caution of phone owners will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Can phone scam victims get their money back?

It is difficult to do this, because after the funds are transferred, they are immediately withdrawn from the phone or transferred to other addresses. In order for law enforcement agencies to engage not only in the capture of criminals, but also in the return of lost capital, it is necessary to file a civil lawsuit. Then, simultaneously with the question of punishing the swindlers, the court will oblige them to compensate for the losses caused, including moral damage.

It is quite difficult to understand this situation and draw up a document correctly. You need to contact professional lawyers who will help you solve the problem quickly and at no extra cost.

ATTENTION! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in the article could be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

In this game for money, only we lose - those who trust the people on the other end of the line. And he pays for relatives who allegedly got into trouble, and dictates the details of plastic cards to imaginary bank employees ... How to recognize telephone fraud? What should you do to avoid becoming a victim of scammers? We will try to answer these and other questions in this publication.

When you are asked for a ransom

Crime reports are literally full of messages about this type of telephone fraud. Here are some of the most revealing stories.

May 25th. A 73-year-old woman turned to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Frunzensky district of the regional center. She said that she received a call to her home phone and was informed that her grandson was responsible for a serious traffic accident and was detained. The caller introduced himself as a police officer. He explained: in order for the grandson to be released, you have to pay. The “policeman” dictated the number of the account to which the money should have been transferred. The gullible grandmother transferred 18 thousand rubles to the attacker, all her savings. When the pensioner realized that she had been deceived, she went to the police.

May 27th. A 79-year-old woman became a victim of telephone scammers. The call also went to the home phone. The “son” called, who told a terrible story that he had hit a child in a car and that only by paying 200 thousand rubles, the mother would be able to save him from criminal liability. The woman had only 50 thousand. The swindler (it is clear that no son called) agreed to this amount. For money, he came to the pensioner's house - on 2nd Minskskaya Street, the regional center. Then, of course, the deception was revealed, but the crook, of course, was already like that.

Such a “divorce” over the phone is designed specifically for pensioners - for the fact that they will immediately become confused and allow themselves to be deceived. In reports about such cases, they tell almost every week. The criminal business, alas, is flourishing, people continue to voluntarily give away their honestly earned savings. But, thank God, not all and not always. The story that we are about to tell is a model of behavior in a situation where a ransom is demanded from you over the phone.

At the end of March, they tried to breed the Puchezh pensioner according to the classical scheme. Her “grandson” called her, who allegedly got into trouble: he knocked down a man at a pedestrian crossing in Moscow. Then he handed the phone over to the "investigator", who announced the price of the "grandson's" freedom - 50,000 rubles in cash. They had to be given to a certain person. At 79 years old, the woman did not succumb to panic. She asked to give her time to raise the required amount. The “investigator” demanded not to turn off the phone and be in touch, but the pensioner acted differently. She called her daughter back and did not answer the calls until her arrival, and then turned to the police for help. Of course, she went through that hassle, but the scammers were left with a nose, and the grandmother did not lose a penny.

As experts explain, several criminals are involved in the organization of fraud by phone with a ransom demand. In this case, the caller can be both at large and in a correctional labor institution. Dialing phone numbers at random, the scammer, who is usually very hard to hear, pronounces a prepared phrase, and then acts according to the circumstances. Often the victims themselves unwittingly help the crooks, because they lose their vigilance - they worry about relatives who are in trouble. Fraudsters use this, trying to intimidate the victim more, not to let them come to their senses, so they have a continuous conversation with her until they receive money.


First of all, interrupt the conversation and call back the one for whom the ransom is demanded. If you can not contact - call his relatives, colleagues, check if everything is in order.
. It's hard to stay calm in a situation like this, but try anyway. Ask yourself simple questions. For example, does my son, grandson, etc., who needs to be “exonerated” from punishment for an accident, have a driver’s license, does he drive a car at all. Cases when scammers got into trouble with this are known. Ask yourself if your relative can be in the place and time that your interlocutors are talking about on the phone.
. Suppose that a “relative” is talking to you, talking on the phone about his unpleasant situation and asking for a bribe to a police officer or investigator. Ask him such questions, answers to which only a real relative can give: “How do I look?”, “When and where did we last see each other?”, “What is my name?”.
. If you are supposedly talking to a law enforcement officer, ask what police department he is from. After calling, dial the emergency number of the police and find out the number of the call center of the named department. Call and find out if your relative or acquaintance has really been delivered there.
. Remember: demanding a bribe by a law enforcement officer is a separate crime! Not a single normal policeman or investigator will ever call someone who knows where and demand a ransom.

So, if a stranger calls you and extorts money over the phone to solve problems with the law of your relative (requires you to transfer funds to an account or transfer funds to a special person), you can say with absolute certainty: you are dealing with scammers. Contact the police. So you increase the chances that phone scammers will be caught and they will suffer the punishment they deserve.

When the bank employees called

There are many similar stories about calls and SMS from “bank employees” with minor variations. A call comes in. The caller convincingly, with various arguments, reports that your account has been blocked or your card has been debited and, in order to cancel or suspend it, you need to provide card details, pin code and other data. You may receive an SMS with similar content. This is how attackers try to get real access to your account and, as a result, rob you.

It makes sense to follow these simple tips:
. If you receive a message or a call about blocking your card or debiting funds, do not answer SMS, do not call back, do not send or talk on the phone with a pin code, CVV code and card details, passport data. Do not rush to fulfill the requirements of scammers. First, call the bank (the phone number is indicated on the back of the card), clarify the information. Do not immediately run to the ATM, even if the callers demand to do so immediately.
. Remember that banks and payment systems never send letters or call citizens' phones with a request to provide their data. If a problematic situation occurs, you will be asked to come to the bank personally.
. If you nevertheless become a victim of fraudsters, then you must immediately contact the police, block the card and file a statement with the bank about disagreement with the operation, experts advise.

More often than others, the most defenseless and gullible people - representatives of the older generation - suffer from telephone fraud. Therefore, our retired readers really want to ask one thing: please, do not be deceived, be careful! We hope we have helped you a little.


The subscriber receives a message on his mobile phone: “I have problems, throw so many rubles to this number (or to this bank card). Don't call me, I'll call you myself." Often an appeal is added: “mother”, “grandmother”, etc. Such messages may well contain a ransom demand for a “relative” who has fallen into the story.
You can’t respond to SMS from unknown numbers, these may be scammers. Contact a relative by his phone number, tell about SMS.

You receive an SMS about the receipt of funds to the account (it can be disguised as a message from a mobile bank). Immediately after that, you get a call or you receive a message that the funds were transferred to your number by mistake and ask you to return them to the “correct” number.
Check your balance. Most likely, no money was transferred to you. They will call - ask for a receipt for payment or other proof of payment, where your number is indicated. No confirmation - nothing to talk about. Don't fall for deception.

In preparing the publication, information was used from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ivanovo Region, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (the memo "Department "K" warns"), the prosecutor's office of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ivanov.


The reason for my appeal to you was the following: in relation to me Chernolykh E.A., 1956. born in Shymkent, fraudulent actions were committed by a group of people in Moscow, and in particular, starting from April, calls began to be made to my cell phone from the MMM office; I will receive $ 5,000 for which I replied that I don’t have that kind of money and I won’t transfer money anywhere, then there were still calls, he insistently demanded to transfer money, I told him that if the calls didn’t stop, I would be forced to turn to law enforcement agencies. At the end of July, a man called, introduced himself as Lev Anatolyevich, from the phone +74953080484 said that I should receive a large amount of money from the MMM company, as Mavrodi died, now there will be payments, I again said that there were no more calls, they said that I had to pay for nothing it’s not necessary and you just need to provide an account from the bank to the question what account they answered me any I went to SBERBANK found out whether money could be transferred to my son’s card, to which they answered that yes money could be transferred to the card On August 24, 2018, I called +77172696156 Victoria Sergeevna from Astana introduced herself that she was from the financial control of the Republic of Kazakhstan, saying that 11,450 dollars had been received in my name, but in order to receive the money, I or the person who sent the money, I called Lev Anatolyevich, had to pay insurance for what he said that I need 1100 dollars to my negative answer, he said that we’ll figure it out and called back after a while said that the company had found an opportunity and I only had to pay 700 dollars the money should be transferred to the name of SKIBA IGOR STANISLAVOVICH Series 0309 No. 357793g. MOSCOW (financial manager)
I borrowed money and sent it in the hope that I would receive it for two days and pay off. On August 29, 2018, they called from Astana saying that money had been received into your account, but since the banking day is already closed, we cannot transfer it to your account, they must be put in cell or pay a cell of $ 1,500 or put in an already occupied cell and a person will come tomorrow to withdraw money and we will transfer your money to you. Tomorrow they told me that the client did not come up and now I have to pay another $ 1,200 and get $ 36,000, to which I replied that my beloved had died and that I had nothing to do with Vadim Andreevich Samoilov from the same number +74953080484 said that the company found an opportunity to help, but you need to pay 450 dollars to make a transfer in the name of MOROCHKOVSKY ALEKSANDR GENNADIEVICH Series 0305 No. 493215 MOSCOW (financial manager) I transferred 425 dollars through UNISTREAM Within a half month, 3 dear and dear people died in the family, I think what state I was in Vadim Andreevich began to call more often to say that he likes me and wants to get to know me better, that his wife died 5 years ago and he was tired of being alone, found some necessary words, in principle, one can say morally supported and again became the question of money, I said that let these dollars burn with a blue flame, I will not transfer anything else. It so happened that, having fallen under the influence of his voice or some kind of hypnosis, I can’t even imagine what it was. I began to wait for his calls and when I had a free minute I called him myself, but the phone was already different +79154031616 Vadim said that he was going in Alma Ata on a business trip, he has everything and he only dreams of his beloved woman and wants us to start a family. In the meantime, he is in Moscow, he needs to pull out 400,000 dollars and I have to help him in this as it will be our family money, I replied that I have no money and I want you to come without money without a car, just by yourself, on my such negative answer Vadim offered to take a loan from a microcredit organization money 500000 tenge that he would come and cover everything at once I did so and took a loan and through Tsesna bank sent money to the name MARKARYAN VARTAN GRANTOVICH Series 0313 No. 399728 MOSCOW (financial manager) I transferred 1376 dollars through the Golden Crown, so we continued to communicate. Vadim called several times a day and talked about life. A few days later, Vadim said, Beloved, he needs more money, well, at least $ 500, take another loan, everything will be fine, I will come and we will close all the loans. At this time, as I repay everything on time, they called me from the EURASIAN BANK and offered to take a loan, I took 405,000 tenge and transferred them to the name SHEVCHUK ROMAN PETROVICH Series 9406 No. 385664 MOSCOW (financial manager) I transferred 500 dollars through the Golden Crown after which Vadim asked to borrow more money and transfer him, as it were, a little lacking at that time I received a salary of 160,000 and borrowed 12,000 tenge and transferred the money to the name ROMAN PETROVICH SHEVCHUK Series 9406 No. 385664 MOSCOW (financial manager) 800 dollars, this it was 10/8/2018, and on 10/9/2018 Vadim called and said that he still needed money, to which I replied that he had already transferred about $ 4,000 to you, maybe that’s enough, he told me that he was going to the treasurer now and would call back somewhere in 2 hours, he called and says can I ask you a question to which I answered ask
-Do you love me? -Yes.
-Will you write me? -Yes.
-We will be together? -Yes.
Then I'm leaving for you today. When asked if he would call during the trip, he replied that we would keep in touch through Lev Anatolyevich, and when he crossed the border, he would take a new SIM card and call me. In the evening, Lev Anatolyevich called and said that Vadim had left for Kazakhstan. In the morning Lev Anatolyevich called back and said that Vadim was approaching the border, and in the afternoon Lev Anatolyevich called and said that Vadim Andreevich was taken at the border and he was arrested and that money was needed for which I said that there was no money Lev Anatolyevich, that the person had left to solve the problem 12.10 .2018 he said that Vadim and a lawyer had left for Moscow, and on 10/13/2018 Alexander Vladimirovich Bogov called and began to say that 3,000 dollars were needed, to which I replied that there was no money and I don’t know when they would be. Sasha offered to get a loan for his son. The loan was denied to my son, because he has a small salary and no pension contributions no Alexander called often and asked about money, then he offered to sell the cottage and apartment, and when they release Vadim, they will come and return everything, I borrowed $ 1,000 and sent the name KOLESA ALEXEY SERGEYEVICH Series 4334 No. 870757 MOSCOW (financial manager) On October 22, A.V. Bogov called and said that the tax office was interested in Vadim’s car and he wants to transport the car to Shymkent, for which he needs the rights and certificate of my son Sergey, I sent these documents via vatsap. Yako he would make a power of attorney for Sergey and send a car to us. Alexander found realtors asked for photos of the rooms and documents for the house, and I was looking for someone to borrow money from again borrowed $ 1,000 and sent the name KOLESA ALEKSEY SERGEEVICH Series 4334 No. 870757 MOSCOW (financial manager) to the question of how things were going everything is fine with the right person. In the evening, Vadim called and said that he was released on bail and a fine of $80,000 was imposed on him, but his son Ruslan helped a little and the fine was $19,500. I said that I didn’t have that kind of money. It was proposed to sell the dacha and the house and they would borrow some amount. The dacha was sold for $ 2,000, I transferred it to the name YAKUNIN MATVEY ALEKSANDROVICH Series 9067 No. 221563 MOSCOW (financial manager). When asked if something goes wrong, I will be left without a home, to which Alexander said that on Yaroslavskaya 86 the doors are always open for me. On 11/28/2018, Victoria Viktorovna Sidorova called. She introduced herself as being from the management of the MMM system and said that they should send me a transfer, I told her my whole story, she groaned with me the next day and asked me to send an invoice and write an application addressed to the General Director of JSC MMM Sharapov A. N. I sent her a statement and a copy of the account via WhatsApp and a copy of the account at about 2 o’clock Victoria Viktorovna called and said that I could get my money, I came to the Sberbank branch, but there was no money in the account, then Baurzhan called back, introduced himself as a bank manager and said that it was necessary to activate after which I called Victoria saying that I didn’t have money, a very unpleasant conversation took place and hurried Baurzhan that I needed to decide on the eve of the holiday, something to decide with the money, I said send it back Victoria called me back and started yelling at me what you have done . After a long search for buyers for the house, the realtor SONIA found a person who can lend money, and we will arrange how to buy the sale of an apartment and I sold the apartment and sent the money to the name GIDZHILOV MIKHAIL SERGEEVICH Series 9834 No. 768395 MOSCOW (financial manager) 4000 dollars after which it was said that we were leaving on DECEMBER 5 to you, and on December 4 it was said that another 4,000 dollars were needed because a fine had run up and the bank could not unblock the accounts sent another 700 dollars to Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich KOVALENKO Series 8654 No. 769904 MOSCOW (financial manager ) Sasha said everything Elena Alekseevna we are leaving for tomorrow on December 21, 2018 Vadim called and asked what I was doing and said that in order to unblock the accounts I need a certificate that costs 400 dollars to my negative answer, he said dear, borrow wherever we arrive and to pay off, I also sent 300 dollars to Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich KOVALENKO Series 8654 No. 769904 MOSCOW (financial manager) After that Sasha called and said everything is going fine, we are flying out and meet at the airport. But the plane landed without them. And in the afternoon, Alexander called and said that he allegedly was carrying a Makarov pistol, and forgot his documents at home, so they were detained and they are at the police station of SHEREMETYEVO airport, then he called back again and said that they began to break through all the bases and accounts to block again at the same time I talked to a man who introduced himself as TOROPOV ALEKSANDR ANDREEVICH the first federal tax service No. 1 field group tax executor he said that the accounts would be blocked until the full clarification of 25.12. 2018 called Toropov A.A. and said that it was possible to negotiate $ 5,000 and my friends were free. BUT I didn’t have that kind of money. Then Yaroslav Vladimirovich Kozarev called and said that you need to give the money and Vadim and Sasha are leaving for you the next day Yaroslav said that Vadim’s relatives called and said that there was a call from Vadim from Kazakhstan, that he was without money and he needed money.
On December 28, 2018, Yaroslav called and said that Sasha was in the Botkin hospital, and on December 29, 2018, Sasha appeared at the office and said that there was a fight and Vadim's people beat him and Vadim flew away from Moscow to Los Angeles. Sasha said that he needed money for treatment to which I replied that I could only sell the headset for a ticket to Moscow and back, he says come to me and gave the address Moscow station Petrovsko Razumovskaya st. Dubninskaya 163 This was the last conversation with Alexander That's how I was left without money, home, cottages and work, in general, a novice bum.
During all these months, I sent thirteen and a half thousand US dollars.
In December, I sent four thousand US dollars. But they keep calling me and demanding another five thousand dollars.
I say that I no longer have money, since I have already sold both the dacha and the house. But they continue to insist and demand. It got to the point where they started threatening my son. They say they will come and talk to him in a special way.
I don’t throw away my SIM card, because I hope that the internal affairs bodies of our country will be able to figure them out, because they are still in touch and continue to extort money from me.
I have call details, receipts for money transfers, passport numbers and data of the persons in whose name I transferred money, correspondence with them on watsapp and records of telephone conversations.
I ask you to figure out these scammers and return the money they pulled out of me.
I hope very much for your help.

List of people to whose name I sent transfers receipts are all there
What numbers were the calls from?
No. Who called From what number
1 Samsonov Alexander Gennadievich 89284046131
2 Lev Anatolyevich +74953080484
3 Samoilov Vadim Andreevich +74953503424
4 Bogov Alexander Vladimirovich +74993400293
5 Victoria Sergeevna +77172696156
6 Sidorova Victoria Viktorovna +74959757243
7 Bakhytzhan +7727349560

Phone fraud is a relatively new type of extortion of money or valuables from citizens, which flourished in full bloom after the mass distribution of mobile phones. Although it existed before, in the simplest version - to find out if the owners are at home, or to force them to leave the apartment under the invented pretext of their grandmother's illness in the country.

The essence of telephone fraud is elementary. They call you and tell you something, after which you lose a certain amount of money. By the way, it is not necessary to call you on your mobile. They can also call a regular landline phone - unfortunately, databases of almost ALL phone numbers can be bought. Consider the most common options. There are two of them, the second is divided into many sub-options.

phone scammers

1. A close relative hit a man, you have to pay the police

No matter how many times this scheme is reported in newspapers and on TV, scammers continue to use it. They call you, usually at night, ostensibly from the police and tell you that your son (daughter, brother, sister) has knocked down a person at a pedestrian crossing. Threaten many years in prison, but you can pay off the police. Take 100 thousand (or more, or less) and bring it there, or you can do it differently - we will drive up to you and hand over the son in exchange for money.

At first, this simple option also worked. Then they began to work more sophisticatedly. Your son called you from the police and described the situation crying. Then the policeman intercepted the phone and clearly explained what to do now. Many came across. Especially if you were given a deadline for the transfer of money, for example, like this: in half an hour the colonel will arrive, and then nothing can be done. Hurry up.

How not to get caught

Don't be surprised that they called you. Obviously, the scammers have previously made inquiries about you. They know that you have a son who drives a car. So you ask the fake policeman to hand him the phone. It happened that they passed it on to a good imitator of your son's voice. Then you need to ask him a question to which only he can know the answer. For example, when was the last time you visited your grandmother. Usually after that the "divorce" ends.

You can and even easier - call your son back. It is unlikely that the villains will arrange this comedy at the very moment when your son's phone is turned off, they cannot find out about this in any way.

Yes, but what about the case when your son calls you? And it's not him, it's an imitator. This means that you have been eavesdropped on for quite some time. Unfortunately, this can be done not only by law enforcement agencies, but also by criminals. There is also such an option: they didn’t just eavesdrop on you, but also recorded a conversation with your son, then they made a suitable cut from his words, glued them together and now they let you listen.

In both cases, the opposition is the same - call your son.

phone scammers

2. Huge call bill

There are a number of phone scams that result in you paying a huge phone bill. They call you from an unknown number, they instantly hang up, you call back out of curiosity and you are involved in a long and very expensive conversation, for example, with a nice girl. And the number you called back turns out to be paid and you receive a receipt for a huge amount.

Another option - a phone number appears in a newspaper or on the Internet with an offer to buy something interesting at half price - a car, an apartment, a summer house. This is also a paid number. You call, they talk to you for a long, long time, and then they say that, alas, it has already been sold. Further, as usual - a receipt for a tidy sum.

Next option. On the street, someone asks you for a phone to call a dying grandmother, and his phone is dead. And everything is needed very urgently. You give, he calls a paid number, lies for a long time about his grandmother, then - see above.

Or so. You are told that you need to call such and such (of course, paid) number, because .... Further, a million options, from a malfunction in your own network to the need for someone to save a life from something. Either you won a million - call such and such a number. Or you guessed it in the TV lottery - you call the specified number, etc. You can't list everything.

How not to get caught

The simplest thing is to never call back an unknown number! And if you don't have a notebook in your phone's memory? Or suddenly an unknown person calls you with a really serious offer? It's more difficult, but not by much. Call back, and if you feel that the conversation is meaningless, irrelevant, or obviously deliberately delayed - hang up. Really nice and decent girls do not communicate for a long time with strangers. And vice versa.

phone scammers

What if you did get caught?

There is nothing to think about. As soon as you realize that you have been deceived, contact the police immediately. Law comes into play.

We all intuitively understand what fraud is and how it, for example, differs from theft. But the law requires a precise definition, and this is how it is done in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 159. Fraud

Fraud, that is, theft of someone else's property or the acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deceit or breach of trust.

Further, Article 159 details the penalties for fraud, including telephone fraud. The law distinguishes between several types of fraud and establishes various types of punishment. So, for “simple” fraud, this scoundrel is entitled to a fine of up to 120 thousand rubles to imprisonment for up to two years.

For fraud committed by a group of persons by prior agreement, as well as for causing significant damage to a citizen, villains are entitled to a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles to imprisonment for up to five years.

For fraud committed by a person using his official position, as well as on a large scale, villains are already entitled to a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles to imprisonment for up to six years.

And, finally, for fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale, or resulting in the deprivation of a citizen's right to housing, these scoundrels are sentenced to imprisonment for up to ten years with a fine of up to one million rubles.


I have given here only extreme types of punishment, between them the Law provides for intermediate ones - a different amount of a fine and a different term of imprisonment. The scammers who read these terms should understand - chattering that they were just joking, they can’t get off. Of course, if the deceived citizens turn to the police in time and manage to find out from the scammers any incriminating information - phone number, car number, any noticeable features of behavior or speech, appearance, etc. It's not easy, but it's worth a try. Maybe then it will be possible to return the stolen money. Although it is best, using the rules we have given, not to succumb to the tricks of telephone scammers.

Continuing the topic:

Natalya Komarova , 05/28/2009 (03/25/2018) When you read a forum or blog, you remember the authors of the posts by nickname and ... by the user's picture, the so-called avatar ....