Taskbar and main menu. Quick launch bar Resetting the bar to its original position

Sometimes it can take a few minutes to find where the bookmarks bar is enabled in some browsers. Let this short guide help users in this matter. After all, sometimes we need to quickly find a link to the desired website and quickly open it. Sometimes a lot depends on it. Below is how this is done in different browsers - from the most popular to the less common.

Google Chrome

Click the button Menu.

Select an item Bookmarks.

Check box Show bookmarks bar:


Click the button Opera.

Go to menu Bookmarks.

Check box Show panel:

Mozilla Firefox

Right-click on the empty field next to the tab title.

Check box Bookmarks bar:

Yandex browser

Click the button Menu.

Go to menu Bookmarks.

Select Show bookmarks bar:

Internet Explorer 11

Right-click on the title bar of the window.

Check box Favorites bar

The interface elements that you most often deal with in the course of work are Task bar and Main menu. To make the work as comfortable as possible, they need to be configured.

To open the settings dialog Taskbars and main menu(Fig. 5.1), you need to right-click on any free area Taskbars and in the context menu that appears, select the item Properties.

Rice. 5.1. Taskbar Customization Dialog Box

There are four tabs in the dialog box that appears, and the first one, which is active by default, is called Task bar. This tab contains the following checkboxes.

Pin the taskbar. When this checkbox is checked Task bar will always be visible on the screen. It cannot be moved or resized. If you uncheck this box, you can increase the width Taskbars or move it to the top, left or right border desktop.

Automatically hide the taskbar. If you check this box, Task bar will automatically hide - when the mouse pointer is outside of it, and appear - when it is at the bottom border desktop(or at another border if Task bar moved).


This chapter corresponds to the chapter"Taskbar and Start Menu" multimedia course - in video lectures and interactive tasks you will see all the practical steps.

Display the taskbar on top of other windows. If this checkbox is unchecked, when moving any window down Task bar will be covered by this window. Otherwise, it is always on top of all windows, regardless of their location.

Group similar buttons on the taskbar. This feature saves space on Taskbars. If you work with several duplicates of one program, for example, you view several pages in a browser, the buttons of the windows of these programs are grouped and turned into a menu (Fig. 5.2), that is, one button corresponds to all open windows of the same type. Clicking this button opens a menu where you can select the window to activate. In this case, you can close the entire group of windows at once by clicking on the group button on the Taskbars right click and run the command Close group.

Rice. 5.2. Grouped Windows on the Taskbar

Show quick launch bar. The quick launch bar is located to the right of the button Start. This panel contains several buttons. You can also place program shortcuts on the quick launch bar yourself. The quick launch bar is a convenient place to place shortcuts to the applications you use most often. This will allow you to quickly launch the desired program without minimizing open windows and without accessing Main menu. To add a shortcut to the quick launch bar, you need to drag it to this bar with desktop or from an open window Explorer.

Do you remember that if the window button located on Taskbars, move the mouse pointer, a thumbnail of this window will be displayed. If the checkbox Show sample windows (thumbnails) unchecked, then when you hover over the window button, the thumbnail will not be displayed. Instead, a tooltip with the name of the window will appear. Please note that the window thumbnail will not be displayed anyway if the computer does not support the Aero theme.

Let's go to the tab notification area. The notification area is on the right side Taskbars(Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3. Notification area tab

The notification area contains icons that are used to manage system services and running applications. This area can contain icons for the volume control, keyboard layout indicator, network connections, Windows sidebar, clock, etc. If you have a lot of programs that put their icons in the notification area, the notification area can become overloaded.

To free up space in the notification area, you can hide rarely used icons. To do this, check the box Hide unused icons(set by default).

The notification area can be fine-tuned with the button Tune. After clicking it, a window for setting notification icons will open (Fig. 5.4).

Rice. 5.4. Notification area icon customization window

It displays all the icons in the notification area. To the right of each icon is a link with which you can configure its status - Hide inactive, Hide or display. For example, selecting for a specific status icon Hide means that it will be hidden regardless of whether the corresponding program or service is active.

On the tab notification area you can enable or disable the display of system icons Volume, Watch and Net. Mobile computers have a checkbox Food.

Let's go to the tab Toolbars(Fig. 5.5). In addition to the standard Taskbars in the lower part desktop Windows Vista has several built-in toolbars that can be placed on Taskbars or anywhere desktop. To enable the display of a particular panel, you must check the box next to its name. Here you can also enable or disable the display of the quick launch bar.

Rice. 5.5. Toolbars tab

Address. This panel is a regular address bar, but is located on Taskbars(Fig. 5.6). In the address window, you can enter the path to a folder on disk or the address of a web page - a window will open Explorer with the specified folder, or the browser window that will start loading the specified web page. This is convenient because it eliminates the need to open windows Explorer and Internet Explorer programs.

Rice. 5.6. Panel Address

Windows Media Player. If this panel is activated, then when the program window is minimized Windows Media Player on the Taskbars a small panel with player controls will appear (Fig. 5.7). You can control the playback of multimedia files with Taskbars without maximizing the player window.

Rice. 5.7. Windows Media Player panel

Connections. On the Taskbars this panel is called Links. If you right click on the panel Links and in the menu that appears, execute the command Open folder, a window will open Links. There are no links yet, so the folder is empty.

Tablet PC - Input Panel. This panel is usually installed when using the input tools implemented in tablet personal computers.

Desktop. Clicking this panel opens a list that displays all the elements (icons) installed on the Desktop. Using this panel, you can access any icon desktop without minimizing windows (Fig. 5.8).

Rice. 5.8. Panel and menu Desktop

Main menu, launched by pressing a button Start, has changed in the Windows Vista operating system, although it has much in common with the similar menu of previous versions (Fig. 5.9). In the title main menu the icon of the registered user is located. You can change it - click on it with the mouse button and in the opened user account window select Change your drawing. In this window, you are invited to choose one of several standard drawings, as well as upload your own (for example, your photo).

Rice. 5.9. Main menu

On the left side main menu there is a list of the most frequently used programs. The operating system keeps track of which applications you use most often and places their shortcuts on the left side main menu.

On the right side main menu links to system folders are located - A computer, Net, Music, Images, The documents, Control Panel etc. Innovation main menu in Vista is that the list of installed applications ( All programs) is not expanded as nested menus, but is embedded in the main menu. Programs and program groups are now organized into folders. To open a list of installed programs, click on the item All programs(Fig. 5.10). If you see in the list of programs, for example, a folder Standard, which means that there are several programs in it. To open a folder, click on it with the mouse button. To return to the list of pinned and most frequently launched programs, click the button Back.

Rice. 5.10. Expanded group All programs

Another difference main menu Windows Vista is the ability to quickly search for the desired program. To do this, enter the name of its executable file in the field To start searching. The operating system will find the specified file and display it in main menu. All you have to do is click on it. This method of launching programs is convenient because it allows you to quickly find them: typing calc in the search field will take much less time than searching for a program Calculator in main menu(Fig. 5.11). In some cases, you can specify multiple initial letters of the file name.

Rice. 5.11. Calculator search result

Consider settings main menu. To do this, right-click on Taskbars and select from the drop-down menu Properties. The dialog box that you have already seen before will appear - with the exception of the tab Start menu(Fig. 5.12).

Rice. 5.12. Main menu settings tab

Here you can choose a style main menu. Two options are offered: the option that has already been discussed above, and the classic style. The classic menu was in Windows 2000 and earlier (Figure 5.13). For some users, the classic menu is convenient.

Rice. 5.13. Classic Main Menu

In the area of Confidentiality checkboxes are located Store and display a list of recently opened files and Store and display a list of recently opened programs. If you uncheck these boxes, the operating system will not add Main menu shortcuts to frequently used programs and recently opened documents.

To the right of the main menu style switch are two buttons Tune. One of them is active - near the selected switch position. These buttons open dialog boxes where you can set some options. main menu(Fig. 5.14).

Rice. 5.14. Start Menu Customization Dialog Box

In the window that appears, you can hide or show some elements main menu. Here you can also set other parameters, for example, when activating the function Highlight recently installed programs when installing a new program, the latter will be highlighted in the menu so you can quickly find it. You can turn on the function Display as menu for some system folders. For example, if you enable this feature for a folder Control Panel, then all elements Control panels will be displayed not in a separate window, but as a nested menu, and in order to select an item, you will not have to open an extra window (Fig. 5.15).

Rice. 5.15. Group Menu Control Panel

If you uncheck Large icons, icons for frequently used programs in main menu become significantly smaller.

You can enable or disable dragging objects to main menu, use the context menu and sort programs by name (in alphabetical order). The latter feature is handy because programs are often installed during work, and if you don't use sorting by name, it's hard to find the right application.

By default in main menu nine frequently used programs are displayed. This figure can be changed in the area Start menu size.

In the area of Show in start menu checkboxes are located Internet link and Email link mail. If the checkboxes are checked, at the top main menu shortcuts to Internet browser and mail client programs will always be displayed. The default is Internet Explorer and Windows Mail. If you install alternative programs such as Opera and The Bat! and register them with Windows as your default browser and email client, the links in main menu will launch them.

It should be noted one more feature of working with shortcuts to frequently used programs. As new programs are launched, these shortcuts move through the list. If you haven't launched the program for a while, its shortcut will disappear from the list. To fix the shortcut in the list of frequently used programs, you need to right-click on it and in the context menu that appears, execute the command Pin to Start Menu, and this label will always be present in the list. With the command Remove from this list You can remove the shortcut from the list of frequently used programs.

In this way, Main menu can be customized to your liking. This is an important point, since it is with the help of main menu you will often launch programs and open system folders, and the performance of your work depends on it.

The taskbar has great functionality in Windows 7. It has some very interesting features and improvements that make it more efficient than other versions. Therefore, it is important to write a series of articles on such topics. , certainly should not be ignored. Now let's look at how the appearance, size, and location of the main tools are configured.

How to open the taskbar properties window

To open these settings, you need to right-click on any empty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe taskbar and select the "properties" command.

The parameters we need are located in the first tab, which is called the "taskbar". In the following articles, we will consider all the tabs in more detail.

How to change the appearance and location of the taskbar

Sets of settings, in the window that opens, will help you change the appearance and location. Thus, you can make the following changes:

- Pin the taskbar- if this option is selected, the start menu bar will remain fixed. You will not be able to move to another location or resize.

- Automatically hide the taskbar- this option allows you to hide the taskbar when you are not using it. Then, when you move the cursor over its location, it smoothly pops up.

- Use small icons- if this box is checked, then pinned icons look smaller, which helps to save desktop space.

- - parameters to determine the location. To do this, click on the dropdown menu as shown in the image. Choose the position you like best.

There is another way to move. Left-click on an empty spot on the start bar, while holding down the button, move the cursor to the desired side of the monitor. After the cursor has been moved, release the button and the panel moves in the direction we need. If you can't drag, make sure the "pin the taskbar" option is disabled, uncheck it, and try again.

In fact setting up the windows 7 panel is not difficult to learn. With the right approach, you can easily learn how to manipulate it.

- Taskbar buttons- Helps to determine the appearance of labels of open applications. There are three options here:

  • Always group, hide labels- tags of one application will be combined and their names will be hidden. Applied by default.
  • Group when the taskbar is full- combines into one label, in the event that several tabs of one application are open. This setting also shows the names of open items.
  • Do not group- will display all labels separately and will never merge labels of the same application as one. If you have 15 google chrome browser windows open, they will be shown separately. If the shortcuts occupy the entire length of the taskbar, then in the right corner you will see an arrow, when clicked, a new workspace will open, with labels that do not fit. When the taskbar is full, label names are not shown.

Windows 7 taskbar customization allows you to change its height. To change the size, move the mouse cursor to the edge until the cursor appears with two arrows (up and down). Hold down the mouse button and set the height as needed.

Note: Resizing is only possible if the option "pin the taskbar" is not enabled.

Aero Peek Desktop View

When this option is enabled, you can move the cursor to the desktop preview button, after which all open windows will become translucent. This is useful when you want to view a gadget or other information on the desktop without minimizing open windows. Move the cursor away from the button and everything will return to its place.

If the feature is of no use to you, uncheck "Use Aero Peek to Preview Desktop" and it will be disabled.

If you click on the desktop preview button, all open windows will be minimized. Click again and all windows will be shown in their original state.

how to add toolbars

A feature that is not new, but enables adding more tools. To add standard or custom tools, right-click on an empty space on the taskbar. In the menu that opens, go to the "panels" item and select the option you want:

- Address- will add an address bar in which url sites are entered. When you enter the address, the link will be opened by the default browser. This string can be used to access a folder or file, but it's not very convenient. It is easier to enter the items you are looking for in the start menu search.

FROM links- this adds URLs to your favorite sites in Internet Explorer. If you use a different browser by default, then this is pretty useless. I can see in the screenshot that the icons of opera. This is due to a recent jamb. Any browser opens in opera. There was no time to fix it, so I had to make such a screen.

- Tablet PC Input Panel- creates a button that you can use to quickly launch the Tablet PC input window.

- Desktop- will add a toolbar with all desktop shortcuts.

- Create Toolbar is the most useful option as it allows you to add custom toolbars. When you select this option, a new window will appear. Navigate to the folder you want to use as a tool and press "select folder", then you will get quick access to the selected item.

You can also see an element such as " ", when clicked, the familiar language switching panel will move to a separate place. Move the cursor over the language bar, hold down the left button and drag to any place on the taskbar. After that, the panel will be installed in its original place. Windows 7 taskbar customization won't take much of your time.

What is the taskbar and how to customize it? The taskbar is not a large horizontal panel usually located at the bottom of the Windows desktop. Although, with a certain setting, the taskbar can be easily placed on either side of the monitor.

Usually it contains the Start menu, icons for accessing programs, the language bar, the clock, and so on. During operation, icons of running applications, open folders and files are also displayed there.

In the default settings, the taskbar is always visible. But if you want, you can easily hide it. How to do it in Windows 7, XP or Vista:

Find a place on the panel that is less free from icons and buttons. Right click on it and go to "Properties".

Check the box next to "Auto-hide the taskbar". Agree with the changes "OK".

The taskbar will disappear, and in the future will be displayed only if you hover over this area with the mouse pointer.

If you just need it to be visible all the time, do the same, but uncheck this item.

How to pin a program to the taskbar.

Usually, after installing a new operating system, after some time, the desktop of any user is simply "littered" with icons of different applications. Some icons are used frequently, others less often, and some very rarely. So it is reasonable to pin the icons of constantly used applications to the taskbar. At least to have quick access to them.

For Windows 7.

With the application running, right-click on its icon and click on "pin this program to the taskbar".

For Windows XP and Vista.

Find the program you want to pin. Click on its icon and, holding the mouse, move it to the taskbar (certainly to the right of the Start menu).

You can always change the order of the pinned programs by clicking on them and moving them to another place on the panel. In Windows 7, you can rearrange program and document buttons in the same way.

Remove the program from the taskbar.

To remove a program from the taskbar:

On Windows 7.

In the exact opposite of pinning, right-click on the desired icon and check "Unpin this program from the taskbar".

On Windows XP and Vista.

Just click on the icon with the right mouse button, mark the item "delete" and confirm the action.

How to group or ungroup buttons on the taskbar.

The more programs you have pinned to the taskbar, the harder it is to figure them out. And eventually there will come a point where you get completely entangled in them.

Don't forget that the buttons on the panel are easy to group. For example, several simultaneously open web pages or documents. Which, of course, will free up space on the panel.

Windows 7

Having found a free space on the panel, right-click on it and go to "properties". In the "taskbar buttons" section, select the option you need from the drop-down list. Three options are available: group when the taskbar is full; always group hide labels and do not group. Click OK.

Windows XP and Vista

Also open the properties window. Here you can check the "Group similar taskbar buttons" checkbox or clear it. In the first case similar buttons will be grouped, in the second case they won't. Click OK.

How to customize the taskbar.


By default, the taskbar is located at the bottom of the desktop. But it can also be placed on any side of the monitor. To do this, also open the properties window on the panel and in the "position of the taskbar ..." item, select the item you need.

How to resize the taskbar.

Move the mouse cursor to the topmost edge of the panel and when a double-sided arrow appears, stretch the panel to the width you need. Then release the mouse button.

Note: If you can't move or change the taskbar in any way, just click on it with the contextual mouse button and uncheck the "pin the taskbar" option.

As you can see, customizing the taskbar is not difficult. But, a certain user setting will make it much more convenient.

taskbar (aka taskbar) in operating systems of the Windows family is called a special control and visualization element showing the current launched apps, connected devices, watch, etc. Initially located in bottom parts of the screen. It also contains icons of programs or folders for fast launch if this function was enabled in the settings. To the left of the taskbar is the famous button Start, by clicking on which most users start their work. Let's go through the items related to settings and other features taskbar.

Returning the original position of the panel

You need to perform some actions to return the position of the taskbar to its original position.

Via default settings

Right click on the menu Start or a free part of the taskbar, in the context menu that opens, select " Properties«.

A window for changing start and taskbar options will open. Switch to the tab " Task bar", In chapter " Position of the taskbar on the screen» select the necessary. For example, let's try to change to " Bottom". Press the button " OK» to save the results.

Users Windows XP they will not find the setting of the taskbar position in the standard start options, as you can see from the screenshot of the screen, there is no such section in the design section at all, so they are recommended to use the following instruction.

Using drag and drop

Move the mouse arrow to panels, right-click on an empty area and uncheck the setting " Pin panel". We do this to enable the user move taskbar to the right place, otherwise the system will block the panel and will not allow you to perform the necessary manipulations.

Now right click on the mouse free part of the panel and, without releasing the button, drag to required screen edge. You can move to the left, top, right, or bottom. After, again click on free taskbar parts and we fix panel by checking the appropriate box.

Using the Registry Editor

More experienced users can use the following method. The registry key is responsible for the position of the taskbar. StuckRects2"which is located at" HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2". In this registry branch we find the file " Settings“, which will need to be changed.

Open the settings file double pressing. In the window that opens, we will see a set of numbers and letters, and you need to change it.

Delete everything and enter the following values ​​(do not enter commas):

  • For moving way down: 28, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 02, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00, 00 , 00, 00, 00, 82, 04, 00, 00, 80, 07, 00, 00, b0, 04, 00, 00
  • Up: 28, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 02, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00, 00 , 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 80, 07, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00
  • Left: 28, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, b0, 04, 00, 00
  • right: 28, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 02, 00, 00, 00, 02, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00, 42 , 07, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 80, 07, 00, 00, b0, 04, 00, 00

Thereafter reboot a computer

Hide the taskbar

Windows allows you to make the panel show only when you hover over it with the mouse (on the area where the taskbar is located):

Change the size of the icons

I have an opportunity decrease or increase the sizes of the panel icons, if they were previously reduced. For this we open properties menu Start, activate the tab " Task bar” and mark the item “ Use small icons” or remove it if such a result is required.

Back to Windows XP again. There not implemented resizing icons through launcher properties. Dealing with the Situation in the following way:

Can increase the number of icons in the quick launch section. For this:

Common Taskbar Faults

It may happen that the taskbar and Start are just disappeared, and only the desktop picture is displayed instead. The reasons may be different - this is the malicious work of viruses or various system mistakes. The solution can also be different, sometimes you need manually edit some sections of the system registry, and sometimes a simple computer or a separate restart of the service helps " explorer. exe«.

Taskbar Recovery in Windows 10

If the panel not displayed in the tenth Windows:

  • launch command line on behalf of the administrator, enter the command or copy from the article (then right-click and paste the copied text) " exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth". We are waiting for the end of the execution process;
  • when finished, enter the new command " Sfc /scannow", press the key" Enter and wait for the end.

Upon completion restart system.

Method two:

  • Run the program with administrator rights PowerShell«;
  • paste or print » Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml")" (without quotes), press Enter. Reboot.

If before the problem occurred, the user cleaned the system registry with third-party programs, then recommended restore cleared keys (if archiving of cleared results is supported by the program and was enabled earlier), it is possible that the program accidentally deleted necessary data along with garbage.

More Taskbar Features

taskbar displays quick launch bar, which can be disabled in the Start menu settings, open folders and launched programs. You can add various toolbars to the taskbar. You can enable display hours or even hide them.

Can be turned on grouping similar panel buttons or disable this feature, customize the button action shutdown on the keyboard, change design and functional menu to classic or standard, enable or disable display list recently used programs and open files.

Continuing the topic:

Natalya Komarova , 05/28/2009 (03/25/2018) When you read a forum or blog, you remember the authors of the posts by nickname and ... by the user's picture, the so-called avatar ....