Noindex tag in Yandex - hiding the code from indexing in Yandex. How to use the attribute correctly - SEO secrets Using the noindex tag

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the noindex tags and the nofollow attribute.

Noindex tag - what is it?

In short, then no index Prevents search robots from indexing any element on the site. This tag is not valid, so many html editors do not accept it. For example, in order for the Wordpress editor to take into account the tag, you must write:

If you write in this format, the tag will not disappear. You also need to understand that the tag noindex relevant only for the Yandex search engine. Google doesn't count it at all.

Don't confuse the tag noindex with attribute noindex, which prescribes 1 time in the header of the site.

prohibits indexing content inside this tag. As for the meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow”, it closes the entire page from indexing, but I have covered this in this article.

Consider the noindex example:

This text will not appear in the Yandex search engine

Also, nesting is not so important, and the tag can be located anywhere in the html code.

Do not forget! If there is an opening tag , then there must be a closing

Optimizers make mistakes when they put all links under noindex. The text, tobish anchor is taken into account, but the link itself and its weight are not. To do this, use the nofollow attribute in the tag. .

Why use noindex?

Let's see in which cases it is worth using the tag, and in which it is not required.

I use when needed:

  • Hide ancient counter codes if you are still using them (LiveInternet, Rambler, etc.). Yandex Metrika and Google Analytics are optional;
  • Hide various RSS feeds, newsletter subscriptions, etc.

No need:

  • Close contextual advertising YAN, Adsense from Yandex and Google search engines from indexing. When crawling the page, robots see ads and do not take them into account;
  • Prescribe external and internal links inside the tag, search engines will not perceive it anyway. Plus it looks silly when there is another tag responsible for nofollow links. But more about him below.

What is the result:

Try to use this tag to a minimum so that there are no differences between the Yandex and Google search engines.

Tag nofollow attribute<а>- What it is?

In 2005, Google introduced a new attribute (called the link attribute) Nofollow.

The nofollow attribute is used when closing links from indexing by Yandex and Google search robots. This attribute prohibits the transfer of weight from one site to another.

What is the difference from noindex?

Noindex is a tag that prevents the robot from indexing the text, nofollow refers to the tag (link tag) prohibits passing weight by link.

Nofollow tag example:


Summing up, I want to say that search engines have recently begun to take into account these tags and attributes less than it was, for example, 10 years ago. Therefore, do not focus on only one thing, because now the one who does everything in a complex wins.

Leave comments on the article if you have any questions. And I wish you good luck and promote your sites in white ways!

The secrets of site optimization lie not only in their promotion by key queries, taking care of usability and increasing traffic, but also in the correct use of the html code. Proper application of tags and their attributes often helps to avoid multi-day work. There are popular and effective techniques. Probably, in SEO optimization, it is impossible to separate the rel nofollow attributes and the noindex tag from each other. Therefore, this article will discuss both, as well as why they are needed, whether they should be placed side by side and in what cases they should be used, and when it should not be done.

Hide links from search engines

Of course, any site is created in order to get some profit from it. And the weight of each page is appreciated by the webmaster. But it is impossible not to post in your publications. There are reasons for this, and here are a few of them:

Buying and selling links makes a profit;

Increasing website traffic.

There is an opinion that the a - rel nofollow tag attribute will help hide anchors from search robots and at the same time the page weight will be preserved. But this statement is possible only if the code is written correctly. The exact spelling of this attribute looks like this:

> anchor.

Proper linking only gives the site weight and increases its ranking. Needless to say, there is no need to use a href rel nofollow for internal links.

Usage example

An explanation in general terms does not always reveal the full picture of the importance of using certain tags and their attributes. Hide the link, do not give the weight of the page of your site to another. What's this? Just greed? No, this is far from true. For example, many sites have social media buttons. Agree that their trust is already great. Codes of social buttons with saving the weight of their own pages are written using the attributes target blank, rel nofollow. The first of them, after clicking, will lead the visitor to third-party Internet resources, opening another browser tab. The second - will not allow to reduce the weight of the page. For example, for a Twitter social network button, it would look like this:

a rel=”nofollow”target=”_blank”href=”URL/home/.

It is worth mentioning the validity of the code - compliance with all the technical requirements of html markup. The rel external nofollow tag not only replaces the target_blank attribute no worse, but is also better perceived by search engine robots.

A rel href nofollow, or when you still need it

Hiding from search engines links to "bad" or non-thematic sites;

In order to hide a large number of addresses on third-party resources;

Hiding links if the webmaster sells them;

Not transferring weight to mega-popular portals such as Yandex or Google;

Hiding links in comments.

Nofollow saves websites, and especially blogs, from spam. Unverified links closed with this attribute will appear less and less in comments.

Noindex and why it's worth talking about

The prohibition of indexing can be set not only for external and internal links, but also for individual elements of texts, as well as entire pages. To do this, webmasters use the noindex tag. It hides only texts. Does not apply to pictures and photographs. Links that rel nofollow successfully hides, noindex cannot hide from search engines. The robot will not see the anchors, but it will index the addresses. Noindex is usually used to hide part of the content:

With obscene expressions;

With non-unique text;

The tag should definitely be used. But it does not work on every engine. The fact is that noindex is not valid, that is, it does not meet the standards. This is why one of the most popular blogging platforms, WordPress, “throws” the tag from its code. The secret of validity lies in the use of multiple characters.. By writing the code in this form, you can be sure that Yandex blog pages on WordPress will not be indexed.


Should I write both the tag and the attribute in the page code? Nothing prevents you from using noindex and a rel nofollow together. The tag does not interfere with the attribute, and vice versa. They are put side by side because search engines see the site code differently. For example, when using both the tag and the attribute, the webmaster can be sure that the Yandex anchor robot will not recognize it, nor will it see the link itself. Google will see the text, but will not transfer the weight to third-party pages of other sites.

Especially for beginners

Website optimization is new on the labor market and an interesting job. The lack of systematically planned information resources for newcomers greatly complicates their activities. And naturally, young webmasters make mistakes. Someone fills the content with an insane amount of links, someone leaves pages without one at all. The same picture is in the case of the placement of the noindex tag and the nofollow rel attribute.

The desire to bring the site to the TOP of search engines is the reason for making a critical mistake. The fact is that beginners often close external links with both a tag and an attribute. This, to some extent, really saves the weight of each page of the site. But the truth is that the same external links increase the credibility of the search engines. You can compensate for weight loss by advancing on low- and mid-frequency queries.

Any optimizer should remember that any information will be perceived by readers with great confidence if it is possible to follow the link to its source. Surely webmasters themselves are unlikely to adopt a book or brochure that does not contain a list of used literature.

More and more Internet users are guided by authoritative sources. And if a young site does not refer to their opinion, then it will be much more difficult for it to retain readers and attract subscribers. Of course, this will negatively affect the optimization of the resource by So is it worth blindly using rel nofollow attributes?

A good webmaster cares about his reader. Remember that one of the foundations of the Internet is links to authoritative resources that provide reliable information. Sites made for people are “liked” by search engines. And page weight is not the only parameter by which pages with content get into the TOP. According to 800 parameters, Yandex evaluates Internet projects.

And in the end, the weight of the pages only matters for publications that received it from links from third-party sites. As experience shows, donors, leaving this ranking parameter to themselves, do not rise higher in it in the "eyes" of search engines.

Good day, dear readers. I often come across the fact that many novice webmasters and bloggers have a complete mess in their heads about the use of noindex and nofollow. Let's figure out what it is, what they eat with and dot the i's.

A good place to start is so that you never get confused later on that both noindex and nofollow are used in two relatively different ways in a web document.

The first is inside the ROBOTS meta tag (do not confuse it with the robots.txt file) in the value of the content attribute. This meta tag refers to the entire document as a whole. Second, only nofollow is used - inside the tag and is related to a particular link. The noindex tag is a slightly different story, and we will also talk about it today. It is also worth noting that I will consider the use of nofollow and noindex only in two search engines - Yandex and Google.

NOINDEX and NOFOLLOW in the ROBOTS meta tag

The robots meta tag is responsible for the entire page. Through this meta tag, you can prohibit or allow indexing of page content.

Noindex is responsible for prohibiting the indexing of text on the page.

nofollow is responsible for prohibiting the indexing of links on the page.

These values ​​are used as follows:

which means that this page cannot be indexed at all.

There may be such values:

you can index the content but ignore the links on the page, i.e. do not index them.

You can read more about the robots meta tag in my article.

NOFOLLOW in links

Nofollow is used as the value of the rel attribute in the tag . And is responsible for indexing each specific link on the page.

The rel attribute indicates the relation of this document to the document it refers to.

In this case, by setting the rel attribute to nofollow, we are asking the search engine not to follow the external link, and we are also emphasizing that we are not responsible for the content we link to.

Links made with this value do not transfer the authority of our page, in other words, TCI and Page Rank are not transferred. However, it should also be taken into account that in the case of PR, the weight still goes, but not to the site to which we link, but to nowhere in the truest sense of the word. As for the TIC, there is no exact information about whether the weight goes away or remains on the site.

Let's take a closer look at the distribution and transfer of weight to Google.

So, it doesn't matter at all how many links you have have the attribute and how many without it. If there are 10 links on the page, then each link will receive a part of the authority of your page, and each of them will transfer this weight, but if in one case the weight is transferred to a specific site, then in the other case, the weight will simply go nowhere.

Let's imagine a little how the search engine sees the World Wide Web. All sites are interconnected by links, absolutely everything. The first refers to the second, the second to the third ... the thousandth to the thousand and first and some kind of million will eventually refer to the first.

Thus, the chain closes, all sites are in a cycle, and the weight that the first site transfers always returns to it through hundreds and thousands of other sites. Also, do not forget, and I already wrote about this in, that this weight is transferred not once, but constantly, while over time the weight only becomes larger, increasing its authority more and more. It is on this principle that site relinking is built.

Now imagine that the first site has closed its links with the . The weight will not go to the second site, but will flow away to nowhere, and the second site will not receive that part of the weight that it was supposed to, will not be able to transfer it further along the chain, and as a result, after going through the whole cycle, X is some site that should was to transfer the weight to the first site, will transfer it in a much smaller amount than it could. So, every time you don’t get that part of the weight that you yourself let go nowhere by closing your links with the attribute, the site cannot transfer it to you, which means that by closing your links, you yourself deprive yourself of an increase in weight, and such an indicator as PR.

To make this easier to understand, let's imagine that each link passes a weight equal to one.

Thus, if the first site did not close the link with the attribute, then at the end of the cycle it will receive more weight from incoming links than if outgoing links were closed.

Closing a link is not beneficial if you are really, really recommending to your readers the article you are linking to, your page on a social network, to your RSS feed. It is foolish to close links to your own pages on social networks when you recommend that your readers subscribe to blog updates through them. After all, these are your own pages, your own RSS feed, in which your own content is broadcast. Are you not responsible for it yourself?

But there are situations when it is really necessary to close links with the nofollow value. Let's turn to the sources, Yandex and Google, what do they say about this?

In addition to this, Google recommends marking sales links with the . Google also writes that with the help of nofollow we can point the robot to the closed sections of our site, but clarifies that there are other ways to indicate this.

I would also like to pay attention to one more point. Some ardent fighters for closed links put not only in the links themselves, i.e. in the tag , but also everywhere, for which there is only enough imagination. And in the tag