Php выбор с помощью календаря. Как написать php календарь на месяц и на год? PHP скрипт календаря в русском стиле

The Zap Cal Library is an open source PHP library for reading and writing iCalendar files. The library has been in development for over 10 years supporting the Zap Calendar program, an open source application for the Joomla CMS, and more recently the iCalendar validator project at сайт. It is now available as a standalone library for PHP developers.

The Zap Calendar iCalendar Library is a PHP library for supporting the iCalendar (RFC 5545) standard. Several examples of reading and writing iCalendar files are included in the library

This PHP library is for reading and writing iCalendar formatted feeds and files. Features of the library include:

  • Read AND write support for iCalendar files
  • Object based creation and manipulation of iCalendar files
  • Supports expansion of RRULE to a list of repeating dates
  • Supports adding timezone info to iCalendar file

All iCalendar data is stored in a PHP object tree. This allows any property to be added to the iCalendar feed without requiring specialized library function calls. With power comes responsibility. Missing or invalid properties can cause the resulting iCalendar file to be invalid..

Here is an example of a PHP program to create a single event iCalendar file:

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